Recent Newsletter Disaster – The Reason Why We Are Moving To Aweber

Unfortunately this post has nothing to do with candy making or cake decorating. We hope however to accomplish several things by writing it.

First of all we would like to apologize to every one of our subscribers. Our recent attempt to send out our newsletter turned out to be a disaster. If you were affected by it, we are sorry. We are doing everything possible for this not to happen in the future.

Secondly if you are a small business owner and have e-mail list which you are trying to manage by yourself, let our example serve you as warning.

Once again, our recent newsletter turned out to be one big mess. Some of our subscribers received 4 copies of the newsletter while others received none. Our mistake was to trying to manage our e-mail list on our own servers . For a while we were doing just fine. That is until we reached our first 100 subscribers. Things went from bad to worst when the number of the subscribers reached 300+. Our last newsletter was sent out to only 25% of all of our subscribers. The worst part of all was that we did not know who received our newsletter and who did not.

We have learned our lesson a hard way. And that is precisely why we are moving our e-mail list to Aweber, a trusted e-mail marketing service. If you are on our list, make sure to respond to an e-mail from us with the subject “Confirm Your Subscription”, which should be in your inbox by tomorrow night, otherwise you will stop receiving our newsletter. And when your confirm your subscription, you will instantly receive a coupon from us that will allow you to save 10% on your next purchase at our online store.