New Video: Making Sunflower Chocolate Lollipops

From the video bellow you can learn how to make beautiful Sunflower Chocolate Lollipops. To make the lollipops you will need the following products: Sunflower Lollipop for Chocolate, Orange Merckens Rainbow Chocolate Compound, Yellow Merckens Rainbow Chocolate Compound, Black Non Pareils and 4.5 inch Lollipop Sticks.

To make pouring of the melted chocolate much easier we always recommend using Squeeze Bottles.

If you have any comments and or questions please leave them using the comments box bellow the video.

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  • JoAnn Bunero Apr 10, 2013, 3:17 pm

    Hi Ann,
    I need to know how many pounds of yellow chocolate and orange chocolate I would need for 140 sunflower lollipops?
    Thanks, JoAnn

    • Ann Apr 10, 2013, 3:50 pm

      You get about 10 – 12 pops per lb. with this pop. I would suggest the you get 12 lbs. of yellow and 2 lbs. of orange. If you don’t sample the candy as you go and don’t overfill the mold, you will most likely have enough. If you like to eat as you make you should get a extra lb. of yellow.


      • JoAnn Bunero Apr 10, 2013, 8:37 pm

        Thank you!